
YOU'RE more than a piece of paper

Ready to show your talents?

By uploading video resumes that can be liked and shared by prospective employers, you gain more exposure. Employers will not only see qualifications on paper, but will see you in action!

Get your foot in the door with four simple steps


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Find Virtual Career Fairs Now!

Through the employer panel, recruiters can conduct virtual, live stream job fairs inviting as many candidates as they want to form a list of candidates or to provide a realistic job preview to a group of interested candidates during a mass hiring event. All of the following recruitment company features are free for job seekers and employers by registering with a free CruitScout profile.

Leave your stack of resumes at home and just bring yourself while demonstrating your true self to potential employers through instant and live stream job fairs. Job seekers and employers can potentially attend and conduct multiple virtual job fairs in one day without ever having to leave their homes, worksite, or office. As a seek recruitment agency, CruitScout is dedicated to assisting your business to meet hiring needs at your convenience.

CruitScout is a professional recruitment company focusing on providing virtual job fairs so potential candidates can opt to chat openly or privately about job positions, details about the organization, and qualifications for the job. The interactive instant chat and live stream job fair features allow both the job seekers and employers to mutually determine if collaborating together is the right fit for both.

Recruiters: Just Give the Salary Already!

Recruiters: Just Give the Salary Already!

Ask About The Salary Range If you’re a job seeker, there’s no polite way to ask about the salary range. And you shouldn’t have to. Somehow the flawed practice of making the conversation about money a taboo subject extends to recruiting when it shouldn’t. It’s ironic...

Defacing Diversity 2022

Defacing Diversity 2022

The Event Defacing Diversity Defacing Diversity I almost didn’t go to our company’s Christmas party. Not because of COVID's social distancing or wondering which employee allows pets in their kitchen, but because of what was shared with me a day before the event...

Three Ways to Get Hired Using Video

Three Ways to Get Hired Using Video

If you’ve been sending job applications left right and center and still haven’t received an invitation for a call or Video Interview, chances are that you’re using outdated methods. It could also be that your resume fails to reflect your capabilities and how you are...